“Kule Kule (meaning slow & steady) Dressing & Décor Pvt Ltd” is the home of quality pashmina, procured directly from the artisans of Leh, Kullu & Srinagar. Kule Kule celebrates the slow and steady pace with which art is created and is committed to supporting the development of this fascinating art form and the skilled artisans who create it.  Kule Kule Pvt Ltd is recognized by Startup India and Make in India. So far directly and indirectly they have employed more than 25 artisans and are raring to go ahead.

Our Story

Kule Kule is the brainchild of Nishant Pande, a successful IIMC alumni, who specializes in procurement. After a decade of relentless work, one vacation brought Nishant to the mountains of Leh. The serenity of the landscape spoke to him intimately and his life partner, Kriipali was excited to be in the land of the famed ‘pashmina’ shawls.

As they combed their way through the meandering roads of Leh, they met many artisans. Master weavers, creators of the finest pashmina they had ever seen. These men symbolized the kule kule philosophy, as they slowly and steadily built beautiful pashmina fabric. These simple village folk were kind and hospitable, proud of their cultural legacy and welcomed Nishant and Kripali into their humble homes. This is when they realised how deeply ironic their condition is.  While the artisans lavished their skill on this beautiful yarn worth thousands, they are barely getting any returns. They continue to live in abject poverty while the middle men and retailers are rolling in profits.

Something needed to be done but with a full time job and the routine responsibilities of a family man, Nishant didn’t know how to proceed. Then one day, he heard a talk by Sadhguru. The wise sage seemed to be speaking directly to him, echoing his thoughts with the words: ‘the easiest way to uplift someone is to make that person commercially independent and create a framework which best utilizes his capabilities’. Nishant knew he had got his calling, he resigned from his job and ‘Kule Kule Dressing and Decor Pvt. Ltd was born.

Mission & Vision

To improve the lives of grassroot level artisans through a sustainable business model which promotes indigenous art and artisans while maintaining the highest standards of quality.

The Founder

After leading a successful corporate life for 20 years, Nishant Pande, an IIMC alumni is now committed to living a life less ordinary. He spends months in the pashmina farms of Leh, Kullu and Srinagar, developing his understanding of this complex art form. The remaining time goes in devising ways to make this art form popular, sustainable and affordable. Ultimately, his dream is to ensure that the exploitative practices end and the local artisans enjoy the rightful fruits of their labor. He is an ardent devotee of Sadhguru and draws strength from meditation. In his free time he loves to go on bike rides and can beat anyone in an eating contest!